Aim to leave a place better than you found it.

Human first. Designer, creative, chef, photographer, writer.

Jasmine Dixon believes in working hard, and playing harder, because play develops the creative mind. A nonbinary person with she/her pronouns, she carries a love for clean air, basic human rights, and silly dad jokes. As an unabashed question asker, Jasmine will work to bring a sense of cohesion and many fresh ideas to a conversation. She aspires to be a designer who finds strong solutions to everyday problems. She cohabitates in a Pasadena cottage with her cat. 


“I enjoy the presentation aspect of showing the work to clients, exercising my ability to illustrate, organize information, and communicate ideas. I’m highly collaborative, with an eye on the bigger picture. I like to feel physically connected to my work, as I bring ideas through iteration stages to completion.

I’m most passionate about finding solutions to existing problems. I have an interest in humanitarian work, and for form following function. As a designer, my intent is to create simple, clever things that both support the planet we live on, and help us enjoy it. “